lauantai 13. helmikuuta 2010

Project planning

We had a meeting with Ulla on Thursday. We decided that our approach for the project would be to contact the local people and to do a visionary plan about their needs and wants. Our work would be like a dream of the inhabitants - a vision of the future of the area. Before that we will contact Fortum to find out what kind of work are they doing with the river so that our work would bring new ideas and not to overlap with something that they are doing.

Probably we will interview the representatives of local associations because organizing an event for the inhabitants would be difficult and take a lot of time.

Today I found at least two associations:

We can contact them and some local actors to know if there are more suitable associations. We'll probably interview only similar associations so that the work would represent one perspective well (for example the point of view of the local inhabitants).

- Mika

1 kommentti:

  1. Have you contacted Raasepori (that Mustio, Billnäs etc. villages are part of) city planning department? The technical center is responsible for all planning, building, parks etc. They are sure to be interested in your plans and ideas.

    Sorry this page is only in Finnish.
    Maybe Mika could make the first contact?
